Behind Enemy Lines, Saved By A Secret Weapon

Behind Enemy Lines: Saved by a Secret Weapon.

Within these pages lies an exciting and intriguing story of Danny Clifford’s training, experiences, and relationships, as a United States Army Staff Sergeant with the 75th Rangers in Vietnam during 1969 and 1970 performing reconnaissance missions Behind Enemy Lines.

From stories of physical warfare to those of spiritual warfare, the author candidly shares with readers what it takes to survive as a Christian soldier serving in the kingdom of God, and how to avoid becoming a casualty of the evil one. At the end of the book, readers will come face to face with the secret weapon and the Medal of Honor winner, Jesus.

“The sole purpose of this book is for everyone who reads this book to develop a closer relationship with God and receive an anointing to tell others about Jesus.” The author says “It is easily understood and has revelations for all genders, ages, and walks of life.

”The most rewarding thing he has ever witnessed, he says, is another person accepting Jesus, and seeing their smile and eyes after Jesus has removed their burden. This recently happened at the youth prison in South Portland, Maine in a weekly Bible meeting. “A young man of 17 gave his life to Christ after he read the manuscript of the book. The sole purpose of this book is you and your relationship with God.

Find out more about Behind Enemy Lines and other books by Danny Clifford at Spiritual Inspired Word or Heart And Soul Ministries.

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